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CedarStone Bank presents $2,000 gift to McGavock High School

CedarStone Bank presents check to McGavock High School
CedarStone Bank continued its long tradition of supporting McGavock High School presenting the school with a $2,000 check for the 2012-13 school year. CedarStone Bank is the official bank for McGavock High School and enjoys a relationship dating back some 40 years with Donelson banking legend Willie McDonald. Pictured left to right for the check presentation: Melynda Bounds, CSB Donelson Office Manager, Robbin Wall, McGavock High Executive Principal and Willie McDonald, CSB Business Development Officer.

Student of the Month recognized by CedarStone Bank

CedarStone Bank honors Student of the Month Daniel Hernandez
Student – Daniel Hernandez
Teacher – Lisa Bonelli
CSB rep: Melynda Bounds

CedarStone Bank recently presented “Student of the Month” honors to McGavock High School students. Melynda Bounds, Donelson Office Manager presented Daniel Hernandez with the award as McGavock High teacher Lisa Bonellil assisted in the presentation. CedarStone Bank is the “official bank” of McGavock High School.