Thank You for Simply Staying Connected
We hope you have enjoyed this video series. Come by and see our friendly tellers and staff. Our lobbies, drive-thrus and ATMs remain open & safe, and you can visit us online 24/7.
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We hope you have enjoyed this video series. Come by and see our friendly tellers and staff. Our lobbies, drive-thrus and ATMs remain open & safe, and you can visit us online 24/7.
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Bob McDonald introduces a series of videos brought to you by CedarStone Bank. It’s very important to us that we remain active and supportive in our community. This pandemic has required that business and individuals change how they are do things; and we’ve certainly done that here at CedarStone Bank. In the following videos you will be hearing from Melynda Bounds (Lebanon, TN), Nate Burden (Mt. Juliet, TN), Robert McDonald (Nashville, TN), Mike Dixon (Chief Credit Officer) & Cindy Harel (Mortgage Loan Officer). They are all excited to be coming to you. We feel like this is a good way to stay active and involved with you, and we hope you enjoy them.
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On Wednesday, May 15, Andrew Jackson’s Hermitage hosted its 119th annual Spring Outing. The event is a wonderful tradition and opportunity to visit the grounds of The Hermitage. Light lunch and champagne were served to the guests in attendance. This year’s keynote speaker was Christine Todd Whitman, former Governor of New Jersey and former head of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under former President George W. Bush.
Bob McDonald, President & CEO of CedarStone Bank, Regent of The Andrew Jackson Foundation and Master of Ceremonies for the luncheon remarked, “We had over 350 people in attendance whose support enables us to accomplish our goals of preserving the legacy of Andrew Jackson, our country’s 7th President and Battle of New Orleans war hero.”
Pictured from right is CedarStone Bank President & CEO Bob McDonald, Former Governor Christine Todd Whitman, & Mrs. Susan McDonald.
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Congratulations to Derek Southworth of Lebanon High School!
Cedarstone Bank has been proud to co-sponsor the Wilson County Teacher of the Year celebration and to support education in Wilson County. Derek Southworth, an 11th grade U.S. history teacher at Lebanon High School, was recognized alongside 28 of his colleagues for their excellence in teaching. Congratulations to all involved!
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On Friday, March 15, 2019, Andrew Jackson’s The Hermitage celebrated Andrew Jackson’s 252nd birthday including a wreath-laying ceremony at Jackson’s tomb and a two-day War of 1812 military encampment of the grounds of the home of the nation’s 7th president. The wreath laying was led by Master of Ceremonies Bob McDonald, President & CEO of CedarStone Bank, who serves as Regent of The Andrew Jackson Foundation. McDonald remarked,
“All the events were very educational, interesting and enjoyable. The wreath laying ceremony is always special as we remember Andrew Jackson and his contributions to our great nation and state.”
Keynote speakers Maj. Gen. Jeffrey H. Holmes and Judge Andrew Jackson VI assisted with the wreath-laying ceremony at Jackson’s tomb. Jackson VI pointed out Andrew Jackson’s long list of credentials of being a lawyer, judge, working in the District Attorney’s office, being a congressman, senator, governor, general and finally the 7th President of the United States.
Joking that he is a lawyer, has worked in the District Attorney’s office, and is now a sitting judge, Jackson VI has three of his late relative’s titles under his belt with only five left to go. McDonald quipped that we have faith he can accomplish the next five, but has a lot of work left to do. The events was an informative reminder of Andrew Jackson and his family’s great contributions to Tennessee and the United States.
Photo Credits (left to right): CedarStone Bank President & CEO Bob McDonald, Mrs. Susan McDonald, Maj. Gen. Jeffrey H. Holmes, Mrs. Rhonda Holmes, and Judge Andrew Jackson VI.
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Wilson County Motors and CedarStone Bank are proud to announce the 21st Annual Wilson County Teacher of the Year program. Since 1998, these two companies have partnered to celebrate teachers and teaching. The program began its development in 1996 when W.P. Bone and Bob McDonald came up with the idea as a way to recognize one of the community’s most important and treasured assets – its teachers. Bone and McDonald organized a focus group of individuals in the county representing leaders in business, government, civic and education, to assist in the process and criteria. After two years of planning and preparation, the program commenced and has been running for twenty-one consecutive years.
Each year, a teacher in each school in the county, public and private, is selected from his/her peers as its teacher of the year. Those teachers complete a packet that details their experience, teaching philosophy and community involvement. Those packets are then delivered to Cumberland University where a panel of education faculty chooses one of the teachers as the Wilson County Teacher of the Year. A banquet is then held where each teacher of the year and his/her guest, business, community leaders come together to pay tribute to the teachers.
The winner is announced at the completion of the keynote address by university president Dr. Paul Stumb. Each teacher is presented a plaque recognizing their accomplishment. And the overall winner is presented with a personal check in the amount of $1,500, and a check for their school in the amount of $500. This year’s banquet is scheduled for Friday, April 5, 2019.
“I understand the important role that teachers play in the lives of our young people and they make a lasting impact. It is important that they are recognized and saluted for their commitment”, said W.P. Bone. Bob McDonald continued, “teaching has always been a challenging profession, and it is more today than ever. It is a real delight to see these teachers enjoy being applauded and honored on the night of the banquet.”
Those teachers who will be honored at the banquet on April 5 are:
Pictured are Bob McDonald, President & CEO of CedarStone Bank and W.P. Bone, Owner of Wilson County Motors.
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For the first time since 1856, the vast majority of the land U.S. President Andrew Jackson owned at the time of his death will be under one ownership, that of the Andrew Jackson Foundation.The Board of Trustees of the Andrew Jackson Foundation held its regularly scheduled fall meeting on Friday, October 26 on the grounds of The Hermitage. At the conclusion of the meeting, Governor Bill Haslam joined the board for an historic event.
The State of Tennessee has owned approximately 460 acres of land formerly owned by Andrew Jackson. Governor Haslam delivered to current Regent Bob McDonald and Frances Spradley, immediate past Regent, a quitclaim deed, transferring owner ship of the property to the Andrew Jackson Foundation.
In addressing Governor Haslam, Bob McDonald, president and CEO of Lebanon based CedarStone Bank, expressed appreciation to the governor and committed to preserving the legacy and protecting the land of Andrew Jackson with the same determination as the state. “Thank you for placing trust in the foundation with the gift of this land, and we know that with that trust comes responsibility. We take this responsibility very seriously and we will protect the land and legacy of Andrew Jackson with great diligence,” McDonald said. He continued, “just as your predecessors, you will be forever remembered and revered for your action today”.
Governor Haslam’s action is consistent with that of other Tennessee governors in the protection of Andrew Jackson’s land and mansion. Upon the death of Andrew Jackson in 1845, his son lived in the property until 1856, at which time he decided to sell the plantation to pay off debts. He sold half the land to a private party and the mansion and the other half of the land to the State of Tennessee. Governor Andrew Johnson had the vision of purchasing the property to preserve Jackson’s land and legacy. In 1972, Governor Winfield Dunn purchased the other half of the land from a private party to keep it from commercial development. In 1991, Governor Ned McWherter deeded the mansion and half the land to the Ladies’ Hermitage Association, now the Andrew Jackson Foundation. And now with his action, Governor Haslam has deeded the remaining half of the land.
“Andrew Jackson’s Hermitage is one of the best preserved and most visited presidential homes in the country. We are grateful to Governor Haslam and his administration for their support of this national landmark,” Andrew Jackson Foundation President and CEO Howard J. Kittell said. “The land transfer is much more than a symbolic gesture. It is confidence in the Foundation’s stewardship of these historic lands into the distant future. It will be a great benefit to the visitor experience in years to come. We are excited about what lies ahead for this remarkable site of our nation’s history.”
Andrew Jackson’s Hermitage: Home of the People’s President is one of the largest, most well preserved and most visited presidential homes in the United States. Opened to the public in 1889, The Hermitage is one of America’s first presidential museums. Today, The Hermitage is a 1,120-acre National Historic Landmark with 27 historic buildings, including Jackson’s mansion and tomb, restored slave cabins, a church, and gardens. In recent years, new interpretive initiatives and educational programs such as on the history of slavery have enhanced the experience of the 228,157 visitors in FY 2018. For more information, visit
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Pictured from left is former White House Correspondent Anne Compton, CedarStone Bank President & CEO Bob McDonald, and Mrs. Susan McDonald
On Wednesday, May 16th, Andrew Jackson’s Hermitage hosted its 118th annual Spring Outing. Light lunch and champagne were served to the 400 guests in attendance including Bob McDonald, Vice Regent of The Andrew Jackson Foundation. The featured keynote speaker was former ABC White House correspondent Anne Compton, a broadcasting veteran and the first woman assigned to cover the White House on a full time basis by a network television news organization.
“Anne did a terrific job as she shared stories of her 40+ year career of reporting on the White House. Our guests found her to be very engaging and she really enjoyed her time with us. The Spring Outing is an important event as it serves to bring special awareness to Andrew Jackson, his home, and his legacy.”
– Bob McDonald, President & CEO of CedarStone Bank
Compton captivated the audience with her stories of covering administrations dating back to President Gerald Ford, and brought awareness to the Andrew Jackson Foundation. The foundation, which teaches American history in classrooms, on site, and through web conferences across the nation, continues its outstanding preservation of The Hermitage, a National Historic Landmark.
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Tracy Brown 2017-18 Wilson County Teacher of the Year Pictured from left is Mrs. Susan McDonald, CedarStone Bank President & CEO Bob McDonald. ESL Teacher Tracy Brown & W.P. Bone, III of Wilson County
For 20 years now, CedarStone Bank has been proud to co-sponsor the Wilson County Teacher of the Year celebration and to support education in Wilson County. Tracy Brown, an English as a Second Language Teacher at Mt. Juliet Elementary School, was recognized alongside 31 of her colleagues for their excellence in teaching. Congratulations to everyone involved!
Written by CedarStone Bank News on . Posted in News & Events. No Comments on The Closing of Andrew Jackson’s 250th Birthday Anniversary
Pictured from left is Andrew Jackson’s The Hermitage President & CEO Howard Kittell, The Honorable Andrew Jackson, VI of Knox County General Sessions Court Division IV, Tennessee Supreme Court Justice Cornelia Clark, Assistant Adjutant General-Air Tennessee National Guard Colonel Jason W. Glass, and Vice Regent of the Board of Trust of the Andrew Jackson Foundation & CedarStone Bank President & CEO Bob McDonald.
Andrew Jackson’s Hermitage completed its yearlong celebration of Jackson’s 250th birthday and marked the beginning of the 251st anniversary of the president’s birth with a number of events and special offers.
“Jackson’s birthday celebration is always a special time for us at The Hermitage,” said Howard J. Kittell, President and CEO of Andrew Jackson’s Hermitage. “From President Trump’s visit last March to former first lady Laura Bush’s speaking at last year’s Spring Outing, Jackson’s 250th birthday year was a monumental one for The Hermitage. I look forward to seeing what the president’s 251st birthday year brings.”
“One of the things that makes me most proud about The Hermitage’s work is how we’ve continued to find engaging ways to educate visitors about Jackson and his story,” said Bob McDonald, Vice Regent of the Board of Trust of the Andrew Jackson Foundation. “The Hermitage is an important landmark and critical piece of Tennessee’s history. Events like the birthday celebration are some of my favorites because they give visitors a fun and exciting opportunity to explore Jackson’s home and learn about his life.”