Former New Jersey Governor Christine Todd Whitman Speaks At The Spring Outing
On Wednesday, May 15, Andrew Jackson’s Hermitage hosted its 119th annual Spring Outing. The event is a wonderful tradition and opportunity to visit the grounds of The Hermitage. Light lunch and champagne were served to the guests in attendance. This year’s keynote speaker was Christine Todd Whitman, former Governor of New Jersey and former head of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under former President George W. Bush.
Bob McDonald, President & CEO of CedarStone Bank, Regent of The Andrew Jackson Foundation and Master of Ceremonies for the luncheon remarked, “We had over 350 people in attendance whose support enables us to accomplish our goals of preserving the legacy of Andrew Jackson, our country’s 7th President and Battle of New Orleans war hero.”
Pictured from right is CedarStone Bank President & CEO Bob McDonald, Former Governor Christine Todd Whitman, & Mrs. Susan McDonald.