Winners of Pickles For Pups

We had a lot of winners at the Pickles for Pups Pickleball Tournament.
Congratulations to everyone who participated in Women’s, Men’s & Mixed Doubles!
3.0 Division (8 yrs and above)
Gold: Ilene Crouch & Terri Atwood
Silver: Debi Miller & Tara Fraley
Bronze: D’Anne Moungey & Chris Allison
Beginners Division
Gold: Lori Smotherman & Michele Mercante
Silver: Shannah Hutto & Rachel Armstrong
Bronze: Charlene O’Brien Taylor & Regina Morin
Winners of Mens Doubles 4.0 (8 yrs and above) Division:
Gold: Chris Harrison & Billy Tipton
Silver: Caleb Steves & Jacob Steves
Bronze: Daniel Gargiulo & Richard De Brigard
Winners of Mens Doubles 3.5 (8 yrs and above) Division:
Gold: Michael Morsches & Patrick Morsches
Silver: Robert Bragdon & Lyon Chadwick
Bronze: Shawn Donovan & Roger Williams
Winners of Mens Doubles 3.0 (8 yrs and above) Division:
Gold: Jacob Medieros & Matthew Matheny
Silver: Lance Williams & Tyler Hayzlett
Bronze: Kenneth Hinkle & Caleb Hodges
Winners of Mens Doubles Beginners Division:
Gold: Joseph Padilla & Evan Padilla
Silver: Srinivas Maroju & Gopinath Reddy Puli
Mixed Doubles Beginners Division:
Gold Medals: Roxanne Bagwell & Chris Bagwell
Silver Medals: Mittnee Dobb & John Canfield
Bronze Medals: Pam Jacobs & Bob Jacobs
8 yrs & up:
Gold: Mia Betz & Jason Baril
Silver: April Samson & Aaron Gray
Bronze: Kate Mialaret & Luke Simmon
50 yrs & up:
Gold: Patricia Green & Dave Fecteau
Silver; Lisa McDonald & Todd Mowery
Bronze: Charlotte Edgerton & Jim Edgerton

Left to right: Commissioner Ray Justice, Commissioner Jennifer Milele, Board President of Animal Shelter Tina Hutsenpiller, Manager Animal Control Stephanie Cox, VP CedarStone Bank Bob Jacobs, MJ Mayor James Maness, Commissioner Bill Trivett, and Commissioner Scott Hefner.