Gift Card Scam
If someone has asked you to purchase a gift card and share the PIN numbers to pay for things like the FTC, FBI, or IRS fees, keep your Social Security benefits, keep your utilities on (electricity, water, or heat), pay for tech support, help a family member in trouble, assist a servicemember needing money, pay bail or ransom, avoid arrest or deportation, or fix any problem for any reason? If you answered yes, hang up immediately—it’s a scam.
If you’ve been scammed, report the incident to the gift card company. You should also ask for your money back and then report the scam to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) at ReportFraud.ftc.gov.
Here are the contact details for some major gift card companies:
- Amazon: 888-280-4331
- Apple iTunes: 800-275-2273
- eBay: ebay.com/giftcardscams
- Steam: help.steampowered.com
- Target: 800-544-2943
- Walmart: 888-537-5503
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